Let Me Introduce Myself

Hello, I’m Lauren and I’m glad we are meeting.
Let me tell you a little bit about myself, so you can get a feel for what I can bring to your ceremony.
My absolute passion is collaborating with others when creating a ceremony, to reflect their individuality and achieve their vision. I am a “people” person. I love meeting with and getting to know others. I have an open mind, believe anything is possible and trust in the journey of life.
I am a mother to teenagers and a border collie. I love to travel when I can and have explored many countries and cultures. I am up for adventure, getting out in the fresh air and getting some exercise, which helps to even out my love of food and wine! I am a “can do” let’s give it a try person.
My background is as a nurse where I had the privilege of nursing people back to health and also ensuring those that were leaving this life, left with dignity. My work for many years now, has been in Learning and Development. Presentation and Facilitation skills always one of my favourite workshops to deliver. In this role I can combine my love of ceremony, ritual and symbolism