A Naming Ceremony is a unique way to welcome and introduce a child to family and friends. It can be held at any stage within a child’s life. It is sometimes offered as an alternative to a religious service.

It is not legally binding, but instead begins the journey to encompass past with future and build a community around your child. The old proverb “It takes a village to raise a child” looks at incorporating a community of different people interacting with children for them to experience and grow in a safe environment. They can confirm their relationship with the child and declare and offer a way to guide and support the child through life.
It can also celebrate the uniting of adopted or step children within a family, or the official name change of an adult.
The ceremony can include anything that is relevant to you, your child and significant others. Some suggestions are listed below:
How the name was chosen and whether it has any particular meaning or significance
Hope, dreams and aspirations for the new life that has entered this world
Family traditions, symbols and quirky traits
Stories to share
Advice through the generations
Exchanging of gifts
Promises or declarations
A naming ceremony is a wonderful occasion to bring together family and friends to acknowledge a rite of passage or a new beginning.
Naming ceremonies aren’t just for people. Inanimate objects can be named with a fitting ceremony to match or perhaps a new pet has become a family member. The choice is up to your imagination.